Set up in 2021 following the operational roll-out of l’Heure Joyeuse’s new strategic vision, the Citizen Commitment cluster gives concrete expression to the association’s position as an active pioneer player in favor of strengthening the Citizen Commitment of its target population, through 3 flagship programs.

Aims to strengthen the capacities of the association’s partner associations. The aim is to strengthen the role of these associations as key players in social and economic development.

Consists of raising awareness among the association’s target population of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015. The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of these goals for the long-term sustainable development of the planet, and to mobilize the population to act in favor of these objectives.

The Civic involvement cluster in figures

Aims to influence public policy in favor of Moroccan youth issues and civic engagement. This involves lobbying political decision-makers to raise awareness of the issues surrounding civic engagement and sustainable development, and encouraging them to take concrete steps in this direction.